Friday, February 24, 2012

Netwellness receives many questions regarding ...

NetWellness receives many questions regarding the prognosis and life expectancy for people with COPD and emphysema. Although it is not possible to introduce specific predictions in such a forum like this, the following recommendations can be helpful, knowing what to expect. For more expectations and demand, you can refer to pulmonology. Pulmonologists are doctors who specialize in diseases of the lungs. Pulmonologist can comprehensively assess your situation, answer your questions about life, and make sure you are being treated in a better way. Emphysema, also known as COPD is a chronic disease with multiple factors that influence survival and life expectancy. Stages of COPD is usually determined using >> << (Global initiative for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). It consists of four levels or stages:

These phases determined by breath test, known as

(PFTS), showing obstruction (

70%) and how much air a person can exhale in one by second. You can find more information about the stage in COPD. The lack of tolerance of and increasing shortness of breath can be seen in the late stage. Some people lose weight as soon as the work of breathing burns all the calories they consume. Most require oxygen. There may be more opportunities for the development of acute bronchitis or pneumonia, which is why it is so important that all patients with emphysema have a pneumonia vaccine and annual flu shot. Patients with severe disease often develops cough, phlegm and shortness of breath. As the disease progresses, these symptoms worsen and patients often develop fatigue and weakness. Aggravation (worsening of the above symptoms) can occur with minimal warning. This may be caused by viral or bacterial infection of the lungs, pollution, or unknown causes.

low immunity system
Generally, when people need oxygen, they are divided into 4 stages, which includes chronic respiratory failure. People who have low levels of oxygen in the blood and the need to carry oxygen normally fall into the category of chronic respiratory failure. Some of the information available on the prognosis in patients with COPD, but it is limited. Traditionally, the prognosis is reportedly based on FEV1, which is part of the PFT. FEV1 less than 35% of the proper means very severe illness, and some studies show that more than half of patients lasix side effects with very severe disease, do not expect to survive for four years. In addition to FEV1 and other factors, which include forecasts are

person's weight (very low weight poorly in this case)

distance walked in six minutes, and

degree of shortness of breath with activity. These factors are called Bode index and can be used to provide information about the weather for one year, two years and four-year survival. For example, a man who has light violations with FEV1 20%, shortness of breath when dressing, and you can go only 500 feet in six minutes the two-year survival rate of 69%. Based on research, 31 of 100 similar people do not survive two years

Expected survival for persons can not be determined at this forum, but the important question, consult your doctor or medical worker may include the following:

How serious your COPD based on pulmonary function (which your forced expiratory volume in 1 second [FEV1])? Do you have more than normal level of carbon dioxide? You use oxygen? How do you short of breath - at rest? - In light of? - With higher levels of activity? You can go too far, or you are limited in a chair or bed? Have you ever participated in pulmonary rehabilitation? What is your weight? You are very thin? Quitting smoking is the most important in the treatment of COPD and improves survival. Oxygen therapy leads to improved survival if the patient has low oxygen levels. , Although it does not improve overall survival, not to increase tolerance of and therefore quality of life. Go to the health topic, where you can:

Ask your question. This article is exclusive NetWellness. Recent reviews. April 7, 2011

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